Fans & Artists
Insisting on Reforms
in Ticketing
Artists create their music and their concerts.
It’s only fair they should decide ticketing rules too.
We support FAIR Ticketing Reforms

This united voice from the industry is calling on policymakers to enact common sense reforms that protect fans, artists and the vitality of the live entertainment industry.
FAIR Ticketing Reforms

Artists Should Decide Resale Rules
Make it Illegal to Sell Speculative Tickets

Expand & Enforce the BOTS Act
Crack Down on Resale Sites that are Safe Havens for Scalpers

Mandate All-In Pricing Nationally
States Where Scalpers are Steering Ticketing Laws
Resale is running away with the loot…and the law. To protect fans, laws need to protect artists’ control of tickets.
Advocating for FAIR Ticketing policies has never been more important because artists are actively losing their ability to control their tickets in states all over the country – which is hurting fans, and helping scalpers.
Six states have already passed legislation protecting resale:
New York
Eight more states are considering new laws to protect resale:
New Jersey
Why it Matters?
Scalper lobbyists use terms like “fan freedom” to sound like they are looking out for consumers – but unlimited resale protects scalpers more than fans. Programs like fan-to-fan face value exchanges are designed specifically to ensure fans still have maximum flexibility when buying tickets, but tickets stay at prices artists set. Runaway resale laws make programs like this illegal.
How to Fix It?
FAIR Ticketing is not about locking down resale to any one ticketing site, it’s about letting artists set the terms on which their tickets are sold. If all resellers would play by the rules of content owners, the problem would be solved, and that’s what FAIR reforms aim to make happen.
In the News
/ 2023
Ticketing Real Talk panel at Pollstar Live Conference
Watch Here Pollstar Live! Ticketing Real Talk Panel